A step-by-step guide on establishing an AWS CDK setup alongside Amazon CodeCatalyst from the ground up, enabling the creation of a comprehensive CI/CD pipeline for your infrastructure.
AWS CDK is fantastic for overseeing your entire infrastructure as code, but when multiple developers are involved in modifying the infrastructure, the situation can become chaotic without a proper mechanism like a CI/CD pipeline. Absence of such a system makes coordinating and communicating changes to the infrastructure a challenging task, and this challenge amplifies as more individuals participate in the modification process.
This tutorial will guide you through setting up a CI/CD pipeline using Amazon CodeCatalyst and AWS CDK for building To-Do web application
Table Of Contents
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π Setting up a CodeCatalyst Project, Repo, and Environment
- Login to CodeCatalyst and go to your Space (Create one if you donβt have)
- Create a project from scratch

- Create repository to store code and workflows of the project


- Create CICD
which associates to AWS account for deploying our infrastructure.

- Create IAM role for codecatalyst to consume during running workflows. It should be already created while you create the Space or you can customize the others

π Design workflows
Workflows directory
.codecatalyst βββ workflows βββ main_fullstack_workflow.yaml
Workflows is triggered by
of branchmain
and includes followingActions
Triggers: - Branches: - main Type: PUSH
build react app, targetbuild
which is shared to cross-actions byArtifacts
FrontendBuildAndPackage: Identifier: aws/build@v1 Inputs: Sources: - WorkflowSource Outputs: Artifacts: - Name: frontend Files: - "**/*" Configuration: Steps: - Run: cd static-assets/frontend - Run: npm install - Run: echo "REACT_APP_SERVICE_URL=/api/todos" > ".env" - Run: npm run build
Test frontend code
FrontendTest: Identifier: aws/managed-test@v1 Inputs: Sources: - WorkflowSource Outputs: AutoDiscoverReports: IncludePaths: - frontend/**/*.xml ExcludePaths: - frontend/node_modules/**/* ReportNamePrefix: AutoDiscovered Enabled: true SuccessCriteria: PassRate: 100 Configuration: Steps: - Run: cd static-assets/frontend - Run: npm install - Run: npm test -- --coverage --watchAll=false;
Runcdk bootstrap
for the region of the account with latest CDK version. This action depends onFrontendTest
CDKBootstrapAction: Identifier: aws/cdk-bootstrap@v1 Configuration: Region: us-east-1 CdkCliVersion: latest Environment: Name: default_environment Connections: - Name: "123456789012" Role: CodeCatalystWorkflowDevelopmentRole-simflexcloud DependsOn: - FrontendTest - FrontendBuildAndPackage
Download build target ofFrontendBuildAndPackage
and triggercdk deploy
, this action depends onCDKBootstrapAction
. Here I donβt use the defined actionaws/cdk-deploy@v1
of CodeCatalyst because Iβd like to useprojen
in CDK and handle copying frontend target build
CDKDeploy: Identifier: aws/build@v1 Inputs: Artifacts: - frontend Outputs: AutoDiscoverReports: IncludePaths: - "**/*" ExcludePaths: - "*/.codecatalyst/workflows/*" ReportNamePrefix: AutoDiscovered Enabled: true Configuration: Steps: - Run: cp -r static-assets/frontend/build static-assets/cdkStack/src/lib/frontend/ - Run: cd static-assets/cdkStack - Run: npm install -g pnpm - Run: pnpm i --no-frozen-lockfile - Run: export CDK_DEPLOY_ACCOUNT=123456789012 - Run: export CDK_DEPLOY_REGION=us-east-1 - Run: pnpm dlx projen deploy --all --require-approval never Environment: Name: default_environment Connections: - Name: "123456789012" Role: CodeCatalystWorkflowDevelopmentRole-simflexcloud DependsOn: - FrontendTest - FrontendBuildAndPackage
Use EC2 compute type for CodeCatalyst workflows
Compute: Type: EC2 Fleet: Linux.x86-64.Large
π Source code and CDK stacks
Define CDK stacks and useprojen
for configuration management as well aspnpm
Frontend react app
static-assets βββ cdkStack βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ LICENSE βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ README.md βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ cdk.json βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ package.json βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ src βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ bin βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ main.ts βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ lib βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ backend βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ lambda βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ CorsAPIGatewayProxyResult.ts βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ Todo.ts βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ addTodo.ts βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ deleteTodo.ts βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ getTodo.ts βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ getTodos.ts βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ updateTodo.ts βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ todo-api-stack.ts βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ frontend βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ build βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ constants.ts βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ frontend-stack.ts βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ main.ts βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ test βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ todo-api.test.ts βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ tsconfig.dev.json βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ tsconfig.json βΒ Β βββ frontend βΒ Β βββ README.md βΒ Β βββ babel.config.js βΒ Β βββ jest.config.js βΒ Β βββ package.json βΒ Β βββ public βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ index.html βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ manifest.json βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ robots.txt βΒ Β βββ src βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ App.css βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ App.test.tsx βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ App.tsx βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ index.css βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ index.tsx βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ react-app-env.d.ts βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ reportWebVitals.ts βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ setupTests.ts βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ to-do.api.ts βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ to-do.types.ts βΒ Β βββ tsconfig.json βββ tsconfig.dev.json βββ tsconfig.json βββ yarn.lock
π Push source code to repo
Init the repo and add repo URL which is created from the above as
β git init Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/vudao/workspace/codecatalyst/cdk-todo-web-app/.git/ β git remote add origin https://vumdao@git.us-west-2.codecatalyst.aws/v1/simflexcloud/cdk-todo-web-app/cdk-todo-web-app β git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/main main branch 'main' set up to track 'origin/main' by rebasing. β git pull β git add . β git commit -m "Init commit" β git push origin main
π Workflows Runs
When the commit is pushed to the
branch, CodeCatalyst CI/CD triggers the workflows -
triggers cloudformation to create AWS resources -
After the workflows done, we now have the To-Do Web app UI
π Conclusion
Congratulations! Youβve successfully bootstrapped and initialized AWS CDK with CodeCatalyst, and you can now deploy infrastructure changes or update frontend/backend using a pull request workflow.